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Suo Motu proceeding for developing a Standard Operating Procedure for proper implementation of net-metering/bidirectional metering/gross metering /group net-metering/virtual net-metering – EQ Mag Pro

Suo Motu proceeding for developing a Standard Operating Procedure for proper implementation of net-metering/bidirectional metering/gross metering /group net-metering/virtual net-metering. For more information please see below link:

Public Hearing on the Draft KERC Framework for Resource Adequacy Regulations 2024 – EQ

Inviting Objection/ Suggestion on revised draft OERC Regulations, 2021 under Section 181 (3) of the Electricity Act – EQ Mag Pro

Inviting Objection/ Suggestion on revised draft OERC (Procurement of Energy from Renewable Sources and its Compliance) Regulations, 2021 under Section 181 (3) of the Electricity Act. For more information please see below link:

Public Hearing on the Draft KERC Framework for Resource Adequacy Regulations 2024 – EQ