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Thermal Energy Storage Is No Longer Just Hot Air – EQ Mag

Compressed air and hot sand are poised to reshape the grid-scale battery landscape Next year, the town of Colchester, England, will transplant four roughly 6-meter shipping containers onto the site of a new mixed-use development. The shipping containers, which house a Frankenstein-like assortment of machine parts—motors repurposed from Volvo truck engines, giant tanks of compressed […]

Battery Energy Storage Systems: A Clean Energy Solution NY Needs -EQ

ORNL: Wireless Charging System Advances Electric Vehicle Convenience

Consumer buy-in is key to the future of a decarbonized transportation sector in which electric vehicles largely replace today’s conventionally fueled cars and trucks. Oak Ridge National Laboratory scientists have for several years now steadily advanced a wireless charging technology that can make powering an EV just as easy, or easier, than filling up a […]

Maharashtra has highest number of public EV charging stations, followed by Delhi