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Stakeholder Consultation Meeting: Tender for the Manufacturing, Testing, Packing and Forwarding, Supply and Transportation of 260 MWp domestically manufactured Solar PV Modules with domestically manufactured Solar Cells at MP – EQ

A stakeholder’s consultation meeting is being organized in online mode on Monday, 17.02.2025 at 11:00 hrs. The purpose of the meeting is to seek inputs & suggestions from bidders regarding the tender. Please join the meeting on 17-02-2025, 1100 Hours, India Standard Time (UTC+5:30), by clicking on the below link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aXTet8N6xkE_6eHvy05IhHjREk102bgbYd2exX2o-3pU1%40thread.tacv2/1739264770176?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22a24b3e19-3a1f-4c61-9f1e-cace38462ab7%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%225164b124-35cd-46f3-97d9-6f9cc331e98c%22%7d Prospective bidders are required […]

Group Surya bags Rs 102 Cr solar-hydrogen microgrid project in Ladakh – EQ

Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Supply, Packing and Forwarding, Transportation, Unloading, Storage, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 10 KWp capacity Captive Solar Photovoltaic Project

Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Supply, Packing and Forwarding, Transportation, Unloading, Storage, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 10 KWp capacity Captive Solar Photovoltaic Project for 3 Freedom Retail Outlets Pudukottai Palamkotta Tender Value in Rs. : 22,81,230 For more information please see below link:

GETCO issue Tender for Survey, DSIC and Maintenance of Solar PV System for 5 Years as a Rooftop at Control Room Terrace of Various Substations – EQ

Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Supply, Packing and Forwarding, Transportation, Unloading, Storage, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 10 KWp capacity Captive Solar Photovoltaic Project

Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Supply, Packing and Forwarding, Transportation, Unloading, Storage, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 10 KWp capacity Captive Solar Photovoltaic Project for 2 Freedom Retail Outlets Puzhal and Vellore Tender Value in Rs.: 15,20,820 For more information please see below link:

GETCO issue Tender for Survey, DSIC and Maintenance of Solar PV System for 5 Years as a Rooftop at Control Room Terrace of Various Substations – EQ