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Siemens Energy scraps profit outlook as wind turbine troubles deepen – EQ Mag

New throughout, adds details and background Siemens Energy, which supplies equipment and services to the power sector, scrapped its profit forecast for 2023, citing deeper than expected problems at its wind turbine division that could cost the group more than 1 billion euros ($1.1 billion). “We are also reviewing assumptions critical to the existing business […]

Adani restores power supply to Bangladesh as regular payments resume – EQ

E.ON, RWE get fresh boost from dividend, profit outlook

ESSEN, Germany – German energy groups E.ON and RWE on Tuesday fleshed out their plans to break up RWE’s Innogy business, predicting higher profits and dividends as a result of a more focused corporate structure. E.ON forecast annual operating profit to rise by an average 3 to 4 percent over the next three years, while […]

Hydrogen storages important foundation for solar PV expansion in Europe – German govt scenarios -EQ

E.ON, RWE get fresh boost from dividend, profit outlook

ESSEN, Germany – German energy groups E.ON (EONGn.DE) and RWE (RWEG.DE) on Tuesday fleshed out their plans to break up RWE’s Innogy (IGY.DE) business, predicting higher profits and dividends as a result of a more focused corporate structure. E.ON forecast annual operating profit to rise by an average 3 to 4 percent over the next […]

Hydrogen storages important foundation for solar PV expansion in Europe – German govt scenarios -EQ