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Providing Grid Connected 12 KWP Solar Rooftop System with Net Metering at Collector Office, AMRAVATI.

Estimate No. 608 EE AMT 2018_19, Providing Grid Connected 12 KWP Solar Rooftop System with Net Metering at Collector Office, AMRAVATI. Tender Value in Rs.: 6,28,571 For more information please see below link:

REC issue Tender for Setting up of Grid Connected 1 MW Ground Mounted Solar PV Plant with Arrangement of Land And STU Connectivity – EQ

Providing Grid Connected 12 KWP Solar Rooftop System with Net Metering at Collector Office, AMRAVATI

Estimate No. 608 EE AMT 2018_19, Providing Grid Connected 12 KWP Solar Rooftop System with Net Metering at Collector Office, AMRAVATI. Tender Value in Rs.: 6,28,571 For more information please see below link:

REC issue Tender for Setting up of Grid Connected 1 MW Ground Mounted Solar PV Plant with Arrangement of Land And STU Connectivity – EQ

Providing Grid Connected 12 KWP Solar Rooftop System with Net Metering at Collector Office, AMRAVATI

Estimate No. 608 EE AMT 2018_19, Providing Grid Connected 12 KWP Solar Rooftop System with Net Metering at Collector Office, AMRAVATI. Tender Value in Rs. : 6,28,571 For more information please see below link:

REC issue Tender for Setting up of Grid Connected 1 MW Ground Mounted Solar PV Plant with Arrangement of Land And STU Connectivity – EQ