New Delhi : Opposition members in the Rajya Sabha on Thursday said the government should take a holistic approach by coordinating across various ministries and bringing agencies together to tackle the effects of global warming. Tiruchi Siva of the DMK, Pramod Tiwari of the Congress and Sandosh Kumar P of the Communist Party of India […]
However, Congress leader Abhishek Manu Singhvi said though he supported the Bill, there were some concerns and contradictions in the government policy Minister of New and Renewable Energy R.K. Singh introduced the Energy Conservation (Amendment) Bill in Rajya Sabha on Thursday. The Minister stated that the non-fossil fuel capacity was 42% of the total energy […]
Government has transformed India from power deficit in 2013 to power surplus. The installed generation capacity is around 379 Giga Watt which is more than adequate to serve the electricity peak demand of 190 GW. The Government has also made plans to have sufficient generation capacity to meet future demand of electricity. The all India […]
As of August 31, 2020, the total installed solar power generation capacity stood at 35.73 GW in the country out of the total renewable energy of 88.79 GW. New Delhi: Solar energy could contribute to manufacturing competitiveness due to its low tariff, which would ultimately help achieve the goal of Aatmanirbhar Bharat, Parliament was informed […]