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PFC Consulting Limted Issue Tender for 1.5 GW Transmission Service Provider for establishing transmission system for “Eastern Region Expansion Scheme – EQ Mag

PFC Consulting Limted Issue Tender for 1.5 GW Transmission Service Provider for establishing transmission system for “Eastern Region Expansion Scheme For more information please see below link:

ITI Ltd issue Tender for Setting Up of 10 MW AC Ground Mounted Grid Connected SPP at ITI Limited Naini – EQ

NHPC arm Signs MoU with Govt of Rajasthan for Development of 10,000MW RE Project – EQ Mag Pro

NHPC Renewable Energy Limited has signed MoU with Govt of Rajasthan for the development of 10,000 MW Ultra Mega Renewable Energy Power Park in Rajasthan New Delhi : NHPC Renewable Energy Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of NHPC Limited, has signed MoU with Govt of Rajasthan on Wednesday for the development of 10,000 MW Ultra […]

Adani restores power supply to Bangladesh as regular payments resume – EQ

NTPC arm to float global tender to set up Rs 15k-cr 3 GW RE project by Feb – EQ Mag Pro

The development assumes significance given India’s ambitious target of having 175GW of renewable energy by 2022, including 100GW of solar and 60 GW of wind energy State-owned power giant NTPC arm NTPC Renewable Energy Ltd (NREL) will float a global engineering procurement and construction tender to set up a 3GW renewable energy project with a […]

ITI Ltd issue Tender for Setting Up of 10 MW AC Ground Mounted Grid Connected SPP at ITI Limited Naini – EQ

ReNew Power to Invest $1.2 Bn For Country’s 1st Round-The-Clock RE Project

The project will be designed to operate at an 80% average annual PLF and will have a minimum capacity utilisation factor of 70% monthly, despite being a renewable energy project, says ReNew Power. ReNew Power will invest close to $1.2 billion in development of a 1.3 Gw of hybrid renewable energy (RE) project, which will […]

Adani restores power supply to Bangladesh as regular payments resume – EQ

Tender For Consultancy Service for Preparation of REIA & CRZ Clearance for Setting Up of RE Project

Providing Tender For Consultancy Service for preparation of Rapid Environment Impact Assessment (REIA) and getting CRZ Clearance getting for Setting up of Renewable Energy project for proposed setting up Solar PV Plant at 134.76 Ha land at Village Kalamsar in the CRZ area of GSECL’s Dhuvaran Themal Power Station, Taluka- Khambhat, Dist. Anand Gujarat. For […]

ITI Ltd issue Tender for Setting Up of 10 MW AC Ground Mounted Grid Connected SPP at ITI Limited Naini – EQ