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REMC Limited Issue Tender for Hiring of Consultancy Services for TCA /Technical cum Health Analysis of 13 Nos. WTG pertaining to 26 MW Wind Power Plant at Rajasthan – EQ

REMC Limited Issue Tender for Hiring of Consultancy Services for TCA /Technical cum Health Analysis of 13 Nos. WTG pertaining to 26 MW Wind Power Plant at Rajasthan. For more information please see below link:     Tender Documents Date and Time of Start of Procurement of Tender Documents 31-May-2024 18:00:00 RTZ Corresponding Local Date and […]

SECI issue Tender for 1000 MW ISTS-Connected Solar PV Power Projects in India – EQ

REMC Limited Hiring of Consultancy Services for Technical Condition Assessment of 13 Nos. WTG pertaining to 26 MW Wind Power Plant at Dangri, District Jaisalmer, Rajasthan – EQ

REMC Limited Hiring of Consultancy Services for Technical Condition Assessment of 13 Nos. WTG pertaining to 26 MW Wind Power Plant at Dangri, District Jaisalmer, Rajasthan For more information please see below link:

SECI issue Tender for 1000 MW ISTS-Connected Solar PV Power Projects in India – EQ

REMC Limited Issue Tender for Supply of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar PV Projects for Indian Railways – EQ Mag

REMC Limited Issue Tender for Supply of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar PV Projects for Indian Railways.     Tender Documents Date and Time of Start of Procurement of Tender Documents 31-May-2023 19:00:00 RTZ Corresponding Local Date and Time Not Applicable Date and Time of Closure of Procurement of Tender Documents 08-Aug-2023 17:00:00 RTZ Corresponding Local Date […]

SECI issue Tender for 1000 MW ISTS-Connected Solar PV Power Projects in India – EQ