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Retail Supply Tariff approved by KERC in Tariff Order 2017-18 Dated: 11.04.2017 for BESCOM

Retail Supply Tariff approved by KERC in Tariff Order 2017-18 Dated: 11.04.2017 for BESCOM Sl.N o Tariff Category Category Description Particulars Existing Tariff as per Tariff Order-2016 Particulars Approved as per Tariff Order 2017 LOW TENSION SUPPLY 1 LT-1 BJ/KJ Fully subsidized by GOK Free Fully subsidized by GOK Free Monthly Min. per Installation per […]

Approval for True-up of FY 2021-22, Annual Performance Review (APR) of FY 2023-24, Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR), and Determination of Retail Tariff for FY 2024-25 – EQ