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EESL Issue Tender For Supply And O&M of 242 kW Solar PV Based Electric Carport And Rooftop Power Plant At Ladakh

Design, Engineering, Supply, Construction, Erection, Testing, Commissioning and O&M of 242 kW (tentative) Solar PV based Electric Carport and rooftop Power Plant with 762 kWh (tentative) Lithium based Battery Energy Storage System having 05 years Plant O&M at Leh, UT of Ladakh, India. For more information please see below link:

Central Govt. Ministry issue Tender for PITC of 25 KWp off Grid Solar Power Plant at 10 BOPs of 161 Bn (now 82 Bn) BSF of SHQ I Nagar under FTR HQ Jammu – EQ