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All Govt buildings in J&K to be covered under rooftop solar programme – EQ

In Short : In Jammu and Kashmir, all government buildings are set to be covered under a rooftop solar program. This initiative signifies a commitment to renewable energy adoption, aiming to harness solar power for government infrastructure, reduce reliance on conventional sources, and promote sustainability in the region. In Detail : Chief Secretary reviews progress […]

ITC Surpasses 2030 Renewable Energy Goal In 2023-24 – EQ

Rooftop solar programme approved in J&K under Solar City Mission – EQ Mag Pro

Jammu : The Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Council (AC), which met under the chairmanship of Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, approved the installation of 200 MW of grid-tied rooftop solar power plants under the ‘Solar City Mission’ in Jammu, officials said on Saturday. The decision has been made to implement the Government of India’s Grid-connected Rooftop […]

ITC Surpasses 2030 Renewable Energy Goal In 2023-24 – EQ