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Amendments to the Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for Procurement of Round-The Clock Power

Amendments to the Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for Procurement of Round-The Clock Power from Grid Connected Renewable Energy Power Projects, complemented with Power from Coal Based Thermal Power Projects For more information please see below link:

ONGC NTPC Green Private Limited completes 100% acquisition of Ayana Renewable Power – EQ

ReNew Power wins India’s first round-the-clock renewable energy tender

Renew Power wins 400 MW RTC bid conducted by SECI Historic price discovery of  ₹ 2.90 / kWh for first year Capacity Utilisation Factor requirement of 80% per year Gurugram, Haryana, India: ReNew Power, India’s largest renewable energy company was declared winner of India’s first e-Reverse Auction for 400 MW RE (Renewable Energy) Project with […]

ONGC NTPC Green Private Limited completes 100% acquisition of Ayana Renewable Power – EQ

Average spot power price remains low at Rs 2.36 a unit during lockdown

The IEX has witnessed heightened activity among power distribution companies (discoms) since the coronavirus-induced nationwide lockdown on March 25, according to a statement by the Exchange New Delhi: Average spot power price has remained as low as Rs 2.36 per unit on the Indian Energy Exchange (IEX) during the lockdown period so far, which began […]

Gujarat Powers Ahead: A Leader in Green Energy and Sustainability – EQ