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Case of Mindspace Business Parks Private Limited, Gigaplex Estate Private Limited and KRC Infrastructure and Projects Private Limited for adoption of the tariff of Rs. 3.87/kWh discovered through competitive bidding, for procurement of 10 MW Solar Power – EQ

Case of Mindspace Business Parks Private Limited, Gigaplex Estate Private Limited and KRC Infrastructure and Projects Private Limited for adoption of the tariff of Rs. 3.87/kWh discovered through competitive bidding, for procurement of 10 MW Solar Power For more information please see below link:

Petition of the CERC (Conduct of Business) and (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations of the transmission tariff to switchable line reactors in the Northern Region – EQ

Petition for Seeking payment of invoices at the Average Power Purchase Cost at rate Rs. 3.87/kWh in terms of the Power Purchase Agreement – EQ Mag Pro

Petition for Seeking payment of invoices at the Average Power Purchase Cost at rate Rs. 3.87/kWh in terms of the Power Purchase Agreement. For more information please see below link:

Petition of the CERC (Conduct of Business) and (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations of the transmission tariff to switchable line reactors in the Northern Region – EQ

Petition for Seeking payment of invoices at the APP Cost at rate Rs. 3.87/kWh in terms of the PPA – EQ Mag Pro

Petition for Seeking payment of invoices at the Average Power Purchase Cost at rate Rs. 3.87/kWh in terms of Article 2.1 of the PPA. For more information please see below link:

Petition of the CERC (Conduct of Business) and (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations of the transmission tariff to switchable line reactors in the Northern Region – EQ

Petition For Seeking payment of invoices at the Average Power Purchase Cost at rate Rs. 3.87/kWh in terms of the PPA – EQ Mag Pro

Petition For Seeking payment of invoices at the Average Power Purchase Cost at rate Rs. 3.87/kWh in terms of the PPA. For more information please see below link:

Petition of the CERC (Conduct of Business) and (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations of the transmission tariff to switchable line reactors in the Northern Region – EQ