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Confirmation under SEBI Circular on fundraising by the issuance of Debt Securities by Large Entities dated November 26, 2018: KPI Green Energy Limited – EQ Mag Pro

Confirmation under SEBI Circular on fundraising by the issuance of Debt Securities by Large Entities dated November 26, 2018: KPI Green Energy Limited. For more information please see below link:

Sungrow Forges 850 MW Inverter Supply Contract with Hero Future Energies in India – EQ

Sterling and Wilson RE Ltd: Disclosure of non-applicability of SEBI Circular dated November 26, 2018, with regard to fundraising by the issuance of debt securities by large entities – EQ Mag Pro

Sterling and Wilson RE Ltd: Disclosure of non-applicability of SEBI Circular dated November 26, 2018, with regard to fundraising by the issuance of debt securities by large entities. For more information please see below link:

Sungrow Forges 850 MW Inverter Supply Contract with Hero Future Energies in India – EQ