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Petition for removal of difficulty in obtaining net metering facility at a connectivity level of 132 KV

  Petition purported to be filed Under Regulation A18 of JSERC (Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive Systems and Net/Gross Metering) Regulations, 2015 for removal of difficulty in obtaining net metering facility at a connectivity level of 132 KV. We allow net metering connectivity of the petitioner for Solar power plant of 1998.8kW at 132 KV […]

Petition of the CERC (Conduct of Business) and (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations of the transmission tariff to switchable line reactors in the Northern Region – EQ

HERC dismissed petition filed by Shree Cement Limited

  Petition under Regulation 66 of the Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff from Renewable Energy Sources, Renewable Purchase Obligation and Renewable Energy Certificate) Regulations, 2017 for issuance of orders or directions towards netting of excess Wind Energy Consumption by the Petitioner at its Karnataka Cement Plant against its Non-Solar […]

Petition of the CERC (Conduct of Business) and (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations of the transmission tariff to switchable line reactors in the Northern Region – EQ