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G20 countries agree on joint efforts to achieve energy efficiency and security: Shri Alok Kumar, Secretary (Power) – EQ Mag

Deliberations to resume tomorrow on priority areas; Three-day Energy Transitions Working Group Meeting gets underway in Bengaluru. The G20 member countries participating in the first Energy Transitions Working Group Meeting in Bengaluru have agreed on collective efforts in priority areas to achieve energy security and diversified supply chains of new energy sources. Briefing media on […]

EU’s Affordable Energy Plan: Opportunities for India’s Renewable Growth and Global Collaboration – EQ

India and UK launch New Workstream to Promote Industrial Energy Efficiency at the Ongoing 12th Chief Energy Ministerial

Government aims to infuse green technologies and stimulate demand for low-carbon industrial material. India along with Govt. of United Kingdom launched new workstream to promote industrial energy efficiency under the Clean Energy Ministerial’s (CEM) – Industrial Deep Decarbonization Initiative (IDDI) co-ordinated by UNIDO , at the 12th Chief Energy Ministerial (CEM) . The 12th CEM […]

AI’s Energy Hunger Meets Renewables: How AI Training Centers Are Driving Demand for Green Power – EQ