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New partnership to help Egyptian farmers buy solar irrigation systems

Using solar power for pumping water is estimated to help farmers save $875m annually in diesel fuel costs A new partnership has been announced to help farmers in Egypt access financing that will enable them to purchase irrigation systems powered by solar panels. Through the partnership, the IFC – a member of the World Bank […]

Construction of 5 solar parks underway across Iran -EQ

IFC, Agricultural Bank of Egypt partner to promote farmers’ switch to solar irrigation systems

CAIRO – 19 November 2020 : International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Agricultural bank of Egypt (ABE) announced Thursday a partnership to help of Egyptian farmers access financing to purchase solar irrigation systems, reducing their reliance on diesel-powered generators and boosting their productivity. Using solar power for water pumping could potentially save farmers an estimated […]

Construction of 5 solar parks underway across Iran -EQ