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Solar panels to light up 1000 more educational institutions

The West Bengal government will bring 1000 educational institutions under solar electrification programme in near future, state minister Sobhandeb Chattopadhyay has said. Solar panels have already been set up on roof tops of 1200 educational institutions, said Chattopadhyay, Power and Non-Conventional Energy Resources minister. “These 1200 panels are producing 5 kilowatt to 20 kw electricity. […]

Sungrow Forges 850 MW Inverter Supply Contract with Hero Future Energies in India – EQ

Solar panels to light up 1000 more educational institutions

The West Bengal government will bring 1000 educational institutions under solar electrification programme in near future, state minister Sobhandeb Chattopadhyay has said. Solar panels have already been set up on roof tops of 1200 educational institutions, said Chattopadhyay, Power and Non-Conventional Energy Resources minister. “These 1200 panels are producing 5 kilowatt to 20 kw electricity. […]

Puducherry initiates rooftop solar bidding for 150,000 homes – EQ