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Stakeholder Consultation Meeting: Tender for the Manufacturing, Testing, Packing and Forwarding, Supply and Transportation of 260 MWp domestically manufactured Solar PV Modules with domestically manufactured Solar Cells at MP – EQ

A stakeholder’s consultation meeting is being organized in online mode on Monday, 17.02.2025 at 11:00 hrs. The purpose of the meeting is to seek inputs & suggestions from bidders regarding the tender. Please join the meeting on 17-02-2025, 1100 Hours, India Standard Time (UTC+5:30), by clicking on the below link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aXTet8N6xkE_6eHvy05IhHjREk102bgbYd2exX2o-3pU1%40thread.tacv2/1739264770176?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22a24b3e19-3a1f-4c61-9f1e-cace38462ab7%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%225164b124-35cd-46f3-97d9-6f9cc331e98c%22%7d Prospective bidders are required […]

Group Surya bags Rs 102 Cr solar-hydrogen microgrid project in Ladakh – EQ

Nitin Gadkari for wider stakeholder talks on EV adoption

The Indian government is working aggressively on promoting new and renewable sources of energy and electric vehicles in a bid to curb pollution and cut its oil import bill. NEW DELHI: Road transport minister Nitin Gadkari has called for wider stakeholder consultation on the adoption of electric vehicles, to give adequate time to domestic manufacturers […]

Ather Energy ties up with BPCL to expand charging infrastructure