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Africa’s Solar Street Lights Offer Glimmer of Potential

Jinja City in Uganda is the latest city in sub-Saharan Africa to embrace the cost savings and environmental benefits of solar-powered street illumination. In 2016, on the northern shore of Lake Victoria, Jinja City sat in darkness. The city, the second-largest in Uganda, had run up an overdue power bill of 1.3 billion Ugandan shillings […]

Construction of 5 solar parks underway across Iran -EQ

Providing Street Lights, Solar Water Heater

Est.No. 2493 /2018-19 Providing Street Lights, VRF Type Air conditioning system, Solar Water Heater,Internal Electrical Installation,Fire Extinguishers in Premises of Proposed Six Bunglows in premises of Honble High Court, Aurangabad Tender Value in Rs.: 98,04,443 For more information please see below link:

MES issue Tender for Comprehensive Maintenance of 1.7 MW Solar Power Plant at AF Stn Tughlakabad Under GE (AF) Tughlakabad – EQ

Certain repairs maintenance of street lights high mast light, solar lights and connected works of Region A area at Mil Stn Bikaner

Certain repairs maintenance of street lights high mast light, solar lights and connected works of Region A area at Mil Stn Bikaner Tender Value in Rs.: 40,00,000 For more information please see below link:

MES issue Tender for Comprehensive Maintenance of 1.7 MW Solar Power Plant at AF Stn Tughlakabad Under GE (AF) Tughlakabad – EQ