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Aluminium Association of India urges CERC to look into markets for renewable energy certificates

AAI vice-chairman Rahul Sharma said in an official statement that the association feels it is apparent that price of solar RECs in the last one year have shot up by more than 125 per cent from Rs 1000/MWhr to Rs 2250/MWhr The Aluminium Association of India (AAI) has urged the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission to […]

Uttar Pradesh Floats Tenders for 2 MW Rooftop Solar Projects to Boost Green Energy – EQ

Aluminium industry demands price correction in REC to avoid burden on industry

This huge burden on the consumers is due to non- revision of REC prices since 2017 by the regulator, despite steep fall in RE generation costs, he said Bhubaneswar: The Aluminium Association of India (AAI) has urged the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission to immediately look into the skewed market of Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) which, […]

BC Jindal Group’s JIRE Bags LoA for 300 MW Solar-BESS Order from NHPC – EQ