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Petition filed in furtherance to in-principle approval accorded by the Commission for Procuring 200 MW of Solar Power on a Long Term Basis from SECI

Petition filed in furtherance to in-principle approval accorded by the Commission for Procuring 200 MW of Solar Power on a Long Term Basis from SECI seeking approval of the Commission for the Power Sale Agreement dated 26.06.2019. For more information please see below link:

Petition filed in the matter of seeking approval of procurement of 1000 MW Solar Power from Respondents as per guidelines issued by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy – EQ

In the matter of: Petition for adoption of tariff for 1000 MW (Tranche-II) Wind Power Projects

In the matter of: Petition under Section 63 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for adoption of tariff for 1000 MW (Tranche-II) Wind Power Projects connected to the Inter-State Transmission System (ISTS) and selected through competitive bidding process as per the Guidelines issued by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy on 4.5.2017. For more information please […]

Ministry of Railways Issue Tender for Supply of 1 MW Solar Power Plant over the Prayagraj Division – EQ

In the matter of: Petition for adoption of tariff for the Scheme for setting up of 1000 MW Inter-State Transmission System (ISTS) connected Wind Power

In the matter of: Petition under Section 63 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for adoption of tariff for the Scheme for setting up of 1000 MW Inter-State Transmission System (ISTS) connected Wind Power selected through competitive bidding process as per the Guidelines issued by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy on 14.6.2016 and 22.10.2016. For […]

Petition filed in the matter of seeking approval of procurement of 1000 MW Solar Power from Respondents as per guidelines issued by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy – EQ