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The State of Power Market Evolution in Europe

The electricity sector has been a cornerstone of the energy transition. But with the pace of change increasing, are power markets helping or hindering? Centralized markets with prices set by the cost of marginal dispatch, most often from fossil-fuel generation, are the bedrock of most major power systems. However, market arrangements are not static. They […]

Hydrogen storages important foundation for solar PV expansion in Europe – German govt scenarios -EQ

Loanpal Now No. 1 in the Booming Solar Loan Market

WoodMac finds that loans now claim a majority of the solar financing market, but third-party ownership isn’t going away anytime soon. Solar loans started outperforming third-party-owned solar in early 2018. According to a new WoodMac report, the first half of 2019 saw loans claim a majority of the solar financing market first time, at 55 […]

Central America’s Solar Revolution and the Rooftop Revolution in the U.S. -EQ

Utility-Scale Solar Set to Eclipse Onsite Installations in US Corporate Market

Onsite solar installations have dominated the C&I market to date, but the landscape is shifting rapidly, according to Wood Mackenzie. Starting next year, offsite corporate deals are expected to become the largest source of business-led solar procurement in the United States. Procurement from offsite solar power-purchase agreements is expected to triple between 2019 and 2020, […]

Central America’s Solar Revolution and the Rooftop Revolution in the U.S. -EQ

Who Will Fund the Renewables Boom of the Next 15 Years?

New solar and wind investment could hit $190 billion a year by 2035, Wood Mackenzie says. Where will that money come from? How much capital for renewables is likely to be deployed going forward, and where will it come from? Wood Mackenzie estimates that the combined global capex spend on wind and solar projects will […]

Central America’s Solar Revolution and the Rooftop Revolution in the U.S. -EQ

Wood Mackenzie: Viet Nam becomes Southeast Asia’s hottest solar PV market

Viet Nam is now the leader in Southeast Asia’s solar photovoltaic (PV) market with the largest installed capacity in the region, Wood Mackenzie said in its statement. According to research by Wood Mackenzie, Viet Nam’s cumulative solar PV installation will hit 5.5 gigawatts (GW) this year, making up 44 per cent of Southeast Asia’s total […]

Rich nations should provide climate finance to developing countries: Bhupender Yadav – EQ

WoodMac: Workplace EV Charging Is on the Rise

New research finds significant growth potential in the North American and European workplace EV charging markets. There were nearly 5 million light-duty electric vehicles on the road as of the end of 2018 ⁠— roughly 50 percent more than the year before. Wood Mackenzie now expects the global EV stock to surpass 37 million by […]

Ather Energy ties up with BPCL to expand charging infrastructure

RPT-Cheaper solar power gains ground in southeast Asia

Southeast Asia is accelerating plans to harness energy from the sun in coming years as the cost of generating electricity from some solar power projects has become more affordable than gas-fired plants, officials and analysts said. The region, where power demand is expected to double by 2040, is striving to expand the share of renewable […]

Hydrogen subsidies | Australian solar-to-methanol project secures €24m grant — with half coming from Germany -EQ

65GW of European Onshore Wind Turbines Need Upgrades or Replacements by 2028

With more wind turbines in Europe reaching end-of-design-life, regulation will be essential to preserving wind capacity. Some 65 gigawatts of European onshore wind turbines will reach end-of-design-life by 2028. From 2019 to 2028, an average of 4 gigawatts of turbines per year that are reaching end-of-design-life will be lifetime extension (LTE) suitable, according to new […]

Hydrogen storages important foundation for solar PV expansion in Europe – German govt scenarios -EQ

Wind Developer Targets ‘Countercyclical’ Opportunity With Post-PTC Projects

Scout Clean Energy is making hay under the PTC while investing in a longer-term wind project pipeline. The U.S. wind market’s overwhelming focus is on the next few years, when the federal Production Tax Credit remains at or near its full value. Quietly, however, some developers have begun investing beyond the PTC horizon. “We see […]

Central America’s Solar Revolution and the Rooftop Revolution in the U.S. -EQ

Already Cheaper Than Gas, China’s Renewables to Undercut Coal by 2026

Average solar prices in China have fallen below wind for the first time this year, Wood Mackenzie says. As China moves toward a subsidy-free era for wind and solar projects beginning in 2021, the economics of renewable power have come into the spotlight. The average levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) for solar and wind power […]

Hydrogen subsidies | Australian solar-to-methanol project secures €24m grant — with half coming from Germany -EQ