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ABB launches the world’s fastest electric car charger – EQ Mag Pro

Can deliver 100km of range in less than three minutes Only charger designed explicitly to charge up to four vehicles at once Ideal for refueling stations, urban charging stations, retail parking and fleet applications ABB is today launching an innovative all-in-one Electric Vehicle (EV) charger, which provides the fastest charging experience on the market. ABB’s […]

Maharashtra has highest number of public EV charging stations, followed by Delhi

Juwi to Build ‘World’s Largest Solar Hybrid Project at an Off-Grid Mine’ in Egypt

German developer to link 36MW solar array to 7.5MW battery energy storage at Centamin’s Sukari Gold Mine German developer Juwi through its South African subsidiary has signed an agreement with Sukari Gold Mines to supply and build a solar battery hybrid power plant for Egypt’s largest gold mine, which it claims will be the world’s […]

Construction of 5 solar parks underway across Iran -EQ