TASC: Governor Cuomo and Policymakers Release Plan to Keep Solar Growing in New York
Today, New York’s Department of Public Services staff issued a report that takes a first step towards estimating the value of rooftop solar and other distributed energy resources in the New York Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) process. The recommendations keep solar net metering for consumers with rooftop solar and lay the framework for more solar jobs and energy choice.
The report comes after almost a year of thoughtful stakeholder involvement among utilities, clean energy businesses, and environmental and consumer advocates. The New York Public Service Commission is expected to rule on the recommendations in the coming months.
In response, Evan Dube, spokesperson for The Alliance for Solar Choice (TASC), said:
“Governor Cuomo is setting an example for other states to follow,” said Evan Dube, spokesperson for The Alliance for Solar Choice. “His continued leadership shows that collaborative, transparent, long-term processes are necessary to protect solar jobs and provide consumers with energy choice, and that homeowners benefit when stable net metering billing mechanisms are maintained.”
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