Tata Power, India’s largest integrated power company, recently culminated its centennial celebrations by releasing its official postage stamp that has been created as a memento to the Company’s 100 years contribution to India’s growth story. Commemorating the efforts and contribution by the company towards lighting up lives with Invisible Goodness, the Company dedicated the stamp towards building the nation greener in the next 100 years. The stamp was unveiled by the Chief Post Master General, Mr. L. N Sharma in the presence of Mr. Anil Sardana, CEO & MD, Tata Power.
The stamp symbolises the Company’s commitment and dedication to realise the vision of its founder,
Mr. Jamshetji Tata, that ‘clean, cheap & abundant power is one of the basic ingredients for the economic progress of a city, state or country’. The occasion was also graced by some Senior Leaders of the Tata Group and Government officials from Department of Post.
Expressing his delight, Mr. Anil Sardana, CEO & MD, Tata Power, said, “A hundred years into its operations, Tata Power today stands tall as an industry pioneer, with a vision to help fast-track India’s growth story. The welfare of our employees and the communities at large has always been a core priority of Tata Power, and it would continue to be so in the coming years. The release of our official stamp symbolizes all our endeavors, achievements, and accomplishments spread over 10 decades. We are very thankful to the Minister for IT & Posts & entire team of Postal department, Government of India for agreeing to have a stamp to commemorate 100 years of Tata Power. We also appreciate Mr. Sharma, Chief Post Master General, for releasing the stamp & sharing this moment of huge pride and happiness with us today.”
Tata Power, had, recently chronicled its 100 year old journey in a book titled ‘Invisible Goodness: the story of Tata Power’ written by bestselling author Mr. Anil Dharker. The book elucidates not only on Tata Power being a pioneer and a technologically advanced company who believes in being a training ground for power engineers, but also a company that defines trust, safety and care as part of its core values.