TERI launches storage battery-based load management in Kolkata
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) on Monday launched a “first-of-its-kind” pilot project here to support implementation of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) at the distribution level, aimed at reducing stress on transformers during peak hours.
The Delhi-based research institute, with support from MacArthur Foundation, kick started the project in collaboration with the West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd (WBSEDCL), a TERI statement said.
The distribution transformers get overloaded during peak load hours, while they remain under-utilised during non-peak hours and with rise in solar power, integration of BESS at the distribution level was felt necessary, it said.
A comprehensive module would be developed to assist WBSEDCL in determining application-specific optimum battery capacity, operational logic and levelised cost of storage, TERI said.
For implementation of the pilot project, TERI would act as project management consultant (PMC) to WBSEDCL and Department of Power, West Bengal.
“We, at TERI, are delighted to work with WBSEDCL on the innovative, and possibly cost-effective, option of using batteries to meet peak loads, as well as to store electricity from rooftop solar installations at off-peak hours,” said Ajay Mathur, Director General, TERI.
Prominent local battery manufacturers have also shown keen interest to support the project, the statement said.