TNERC: Comprehensive Tariff Order on Solar Power
In exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 181, 61 (h), 62 and 86 (1) (e) of the Electricity Act 2003, (Act 36 of 2003), read with the National Electricity Policy, the Tariff Policy and Commission’s Power Procurement from New and Renewable Energy Sources Regulations, 2008, the Commission, after issuing a consultative paper for public view on “Comprehensive Tariff Order on Solar Power” inviting comments from stakeholders and after examining the comments of all stakeholders, after consulting the State Advisory Committee (SAC) on 17/3/2016 and on consideration of the views of the stakeholders and the views expressed by the members of the SAC, passes this suo motu Comprehensive Tariff Order on Solar Power.More InformationComprehensive Tariff Order on Solar Power
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