Torrent Power asks Rooftop Projects to Sign an Undertaking for Gross Metering Conversion
Torrent Power is forcing to sign an agreement that in future they may shift the net metering solar systems to gross metering, if the regulations comes with retrospective effect.
Torrent Power asks rooftop projects to sign undertaking for gross metering conversion later on when gross metering comes in.
While having conversation with industry professionals they told EQ Magazine that Torrent Power Discom is asking the rooftop projects in it’s discom to sign in an undertaking agreement that whenever gross metering comes back the net metering projects would be converted into gross metering.
And here are attached some of the documents they are sending or asking the rooftop plant owners to sign while giving net metering connections.
The Ministry of Power issued a notification dated 31.12.2020, regarding “Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Rules, 2020”, which provides for gross metering for loads above 10 kW.
Torrent Power is asking to proceed with an application of solar rooftop plant under gross metering arrangement as per the MoP directives. And also asking to agree to pay the estimate/quotation amount as issued by Torrent Power, which will include the actual cost incurred for gross metering infrastructure.
Torrent Power wants to execute provisional gross metering grid connectivity agreement at present and further amended, if required, in the future in accordance with the applicable Regulatory framework/ or any other statutory development.
For more information please see below link:
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