Use 200 units of electricity, get solar power systems
Eastern Power Distribution Company of AP Limited (APEPDCL) in association with New and Renewable Energy Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Limited (NREDCAP) and Andhra Bank will provide rooftop solar power systems to domestic consumers who use a minimum of 200 units of power supplied by APEPDCL. Explaining the project to TOI, APEPDCL CMD MM Nayak said it is introduced on a pilot basis by the discom in the port city to promote green energy among low income groups. “We have received nearly 100 applications so far. Once a consumer pays a registration fee of Rs 5,000, the system will be installed at the applicant’s residence if all technical conditions are approved.
We will provide a 1 KW rooftop solar panel to the applicant. It costs nearly Rs 90,000. NREDCAP will give Rs 37,500 subsidy. The balance amount will be contributed by Andhra Bank. The applicant will have to pay the bank’s share in form of instalments to APEPDCL through electricity bills,” Nayak explained.According to discom officials, there are nearly 7.5 lakh domestic consumers in the city of which around 2 lakh consume nearly 150 to 250 units of power per month. The people who consume minimum 200 units of power and owns property will be given priority to install the system. If a consumer saves a portion of the generated energy, he/she can supply the excess power to APEPDCL’s grid for which the discom will pay him Rs 5.5 per unit.
“The project can be useful for all stakeholders as well as discom consumers and the environment. If we get a good response, we will be able to simplify some conditions,” Nayak said. Upon approval from the AP Electricity Regulatory Commission, APEPDCL sought support from Andhra Bank which agreed to join the project and sanction loans to applicants. The bank will collect an interest rate less than 10%. “We will also negotiate with the bank to decrease the interest rate if we get a good number of applicants,” Nayak added.