Volkswagen eyes 90 per cent electric car sales in Norway next year
With a 2025 goal of becoming the first country to end the sale of fossil-fueled cars, oil-producer Norway exempts battery-powered vehicles from taxes imposed on petrol and diesel engines.
OSLO : Electric cars will likely make up 90 per cent of Volkswagen AG’s sales in Norway next year and could completely replace diesel and petrol engines in the Nordic country by 2023, the German auto maker’s local importer said on Wednesday.
With a 2025 goal of becoming the first country to end the sale of fossil-fueled cars, oil-producer Norway exempts battery-powered vehicles from taxes imposed on petrol and diesel engines.
The policy has turned the country’s car market into a laboratory for global auto makers seeking a path to a future without internal combustion engines, vaulting new brands and models to the top of bestseller lists in recent years.