World Energy Outlook 2017 to include focus on China’s energy outlook and the natural gas revolution
The global energy scene is in a state of flux. Understanding the dynamic interplay of energy markets, technology and policy has never been more critical. The World Energy Outlook (WEO), widely regarded as the gold standard of energy analysis, provides strategic insight on what today’s policy and investment decisions mean for long-term trends.
The 2017 edition of the WEO, which will be released on 14 November, will contain a full update of energy demand and supply projections through 2040 under different scenarios, and their consequences for energy security, investment, energy industries and the environment. It will also include in-depth analysis of:
China’s energy outlook. China’s influence has long been felt in coal, oil and gas, as well as in nuclear power, but the country is also now firmly established as a global leader in renewable energy, efficiency and innovation. The WEO will examine China’s economic and energy transitions in detail, and consider how the country’s policy choices can shape not just national prospects, but also global outcomes.
Natural gas. The outlook for gas markets is evolving rapidly under pressure from two revolutions: the shale revolution, led by the United States, and the LNG revolution that is testing traditional gas business and pricing models. It will also investigate the wider opportunities and uncertainties for gas in the transition to a cleaner energy system, including its role in tackling local pollution as well as the risk of methane emissions.
In addition, the WEO-2017 series will feature two special analyses, to be released in October.
The close links between energy and development, assessing today’s global picture for access to modern energy, the strategies and technologies that can enable countries to achieve energy for all by 2030, and the ways in which reliable energy can move communities from poverty towards prosperity.
Prospects for energy in Southeast Asia, where infrastructure and investment have to keep up with rapid, sustained growth in energy demand. The report will cover the particular challenge of providing secure, clean and affordable energy to small island systems and remote settlements.