World’s energy leaders to meet for 2017 IEA Ministerial Meeting
The world’s energy leaders will meet in Paris this week for the 2017 IEA Ministerial Meeting.
This high-level gathering of the IEA Family, including Ministers and Heads of Delegations from the IEA’s 29 members, as well as Association and Accession countries and top business executives, provides a unique opportunity to discuss the most pressing and important energy issues facing the world today.
Underscoring the importance of government-industry dialogue, the Ministerial Meeting will also be attended by chief executives of some of the world’s biggest energy companies, from all fuels and technologies across the global energy mix, as well as energy efficiency, representing companies totalling more than $2 trillion in market capitalisation.
The meeting will hear from a variety of keynote speakers, including Member Country ministers and top government officials, representatives from Mexico and Chile, as well as Association countries, namely Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Singapore and Thailand.
The IEA Ministerial Meeting will be an opportunity to highlight the growing and critical importance of digitalization in the energy sector, as well as the evolution of energy security in the 21st century, the importance of clean-energy technologies and investments, and of course, future guidance for the IEA.
In addition to plenary sessions, a series of Ministerial-level side events will be held on issues including: the need to promote women in energy, through the Clean Energy Education and Empowerment programme (C3E TCP); the IEA Clean Energy Transitions Programme; and a Carbon Capture Use and Storage Summit, to be attended by over 20 energy ministers and CEOs active in CCUS.
“The 2017 IEA Ministerial Meeting brings together the countries and companies that are the key decision makers in the world’s energy sector,” said Dr Birol. “Their participation recognizes the importance of a truly global energy dialogue between government and industry, as well as the high level of shared interest in the wide range of issues on the global energy agenda today.”