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WTiCabs takes a leap by deploying 100 Electric Vehicles in Bangalore – EQ Mag

WTiCabs takes a leap by deploying 100 Electric Vehicles in Bangalore – EQ Mag


New Delhi [India] : WTiCabs deploy electric vehicles for a large IT client, marking the efficiency of the company towards delivering emissions-free staff transport services.

WTiCabs recently deployed electric vehicles for a large IT client. The corporation is reportedly investing in this endeavour, according to sources. The company has made significant contributions over the years to the provision of a fully functional and staffed EV Depot (electric vehicles and charging stations) by providing emission-free people transportation solutions.

WTiCabs effectively manages ground transportation services, giving employees a complete, safe, and enjoyable mobility experience.

To provide the most effective services for the benefit of society, the company has been successfully using sustainable, repeatable, and proven procedures. Inspiring its contemporaries to take a cleaner and more sustainable approach to providing services that support a healthy and clean environment, WTiCabs has been maintaining a presence across all of India – facilitating clients to attain their Sustainability scores and ESG criteria.

As you choose WTiCabs for their advanced workplace commute services and induct EVs for your employee’s commute, you are indirectly contributing your share to a pollution-free environment. Throughout the years, many companies have already joined WTiCabs on an initiative wherein, apart from inducting EVs, they are collectively committed to planting a tree for each commuter that gets to the platform.

Ashok Vashist, the CEO and Founder of WTiCabs put light on the vision and future endeavours of the company. He says, “Each one of us can actively be a part of building a pollution-free environment that leaves a legacy behind for the world and the generations to come. The thing is, we are not only thinking or talking about going green, but we are also actually doing it. 15 per cent of our services are run by electricity and we intend to raise this percentage by 35 per cent by the end of the next financial year. Sustainability is the motto of the company. The effort to build the foundation of a better future will never be compromised until we are dedicated and passionate about it. Join us in this initiative for a future secured by positivity, & powered by innovation.”

Source: PTI
Anand Gupta Editor - EQ Int'l Media Network